What’s Going On?

Dear pseudo-diary,

It’s been… quite a few years since I’ve written anything. A lot of things have changed: I’m in university now, and my writing still has the same daft, aimless bite that defines a blog like this one. In the end, I’m still writing for myself, but also for an audience. I’m pretty sure Tumblr has changed the way I’ve expressed myself in blog posts, so blame that medium for changing everything!

It’s been grand, world. I’ve met so many kind people, I’m still very close to the same people, and I’ve realized I’m still obsessed with dogs and good quotes from pop songs that I like to plaster at the end of my posts. But I’m also more in touch with my mediocrity than I ever used to be, which is not to kick myself in the shins, but more so to boot my ass into shape. I’ve always wanted to be a hard worker, I’ve set myself out to be and journal it out – but at the end of the day, I’m still kind of a procrastinating butthole. A procrastinating butthole with no dog – absolutely horrible.

So, what am I going to do about it? What do you: a person, still on WordPress, have to gain by reading this seemingly pointless 18 year old’s insights on herself? Well… I can’t say it’s that insightful, unfortunately. It’s most likely something to shake your head at, if anything. I think my purpose is for you to remove yourself from the world and invest in my musings. Confusing, nonetheless, but… anyways. Every year, I make goals, and every year, I fail to make them. Obviously there’s something I’m missing in the formula here. I’ve recently tried to bullet journal, and I only ever update every three days or so – and I bought such a beautiful book to do it in, too. I’ve done a to-do list, but I get too guilty about updating them.

In the end, it seems like the obvious answer is my guilt for not doing the things I do set out to do. I need to have some sort of consequence that is external, other than my pre-set app messages that I ignore. At the same time, I don’t want it to be a person that kicks me into the right state to grow! In the end, I think I just have to stick to trying to do things as I do them. Weekly goals, and daily goals. Small steps. I can do that. I may not be linear, and maybe you’re not, too – but progress isn’t linear anyway, or some stupid shit like that.



…..So anyways, that was a pointless read –
Signing off, world (of none?)



My memories on the walls.

While I was putting up my posters and tearing down my calendars from last year, I noticed little holes on the wall where I left my indent with the pins.

Incidentally, as I take down and put up my posters again, I notice tears on the plaster that weren’t there before. This isn’t really a post about my messiness, but let me tell you about the metaphors that these could be used for, which are undoubtedly cliched, and may sound a bit odd, like the musings of one who’s had one too many glasses of alcohol(Mind you, I’m a teenager and I don’t agree to  drinking or smoking unlike a small amount of people still in education. I meant to rephrase that because I haven’t noticed a significant drinking/smoking incident with our students.)

A clean wall, a clean self. That’s what we all start out with in life.
Then, the memories, the decorations come in, and stick themselves on to us. And for a point in time, we walk around proud, prancing with them without a care in the world.

That is when we have to take it down. We have a little trouble keeping the wall clean, and when we tear it down, the new wall has some wear and tear. Gradually, all that’s left of us is residue and marks and scars, and regrets, and remains of who they used to be. Sometimes, they’re not proud of those marks.  Yet, still the wall stands.

Strong. And the wall stands with your memories.
Just something to think about the next time you take down a poster.

Sometimes, I wish this was the case with some people who don’t believe that they can do something. I certainly believe they do.

So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it’s worth it was worth all the while

It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right.

I hope you had the time of your life.

Plum Raven.

If you have a minute.

I think we all underestimate how much time is 10 minutes.
10 minutes could be short, or it could be long depending on who you are. 10 minutes to save a life is short, and 10 minutes to wait out Detention is long.

I’m still curious to why this could be.
I mean, if you’re reading this post now, maybe a minute has gone by, or maybe you haven’t gotten through the whole thing, you’re already scrolling down your dashboard. 
I think that’s the problem with time. Sometimes, we don’t handle time right. We throw it away like it’s nothing, and when you think about how valuable a month could’ve meant to a mother who’s miscarried, you stop. You think.

And then you go again.

Like you will go again after this post– But I want you to think about it a little bit. I want you to think about it the next time you’re asked to go to sleep, the next time you’re expected to hand in the assignment, the next time you’re expected to show up to work.

The next time when there is no next time.

Slow down a little and sniff the roses, and maybe breathe in the rain a little, and forgive your friend for ruining that perfect sweater of yours. It’s good to do that once in a while.

Time is of the essence, and the essence is of you.

    – One, Dani Shay

February Rain

Somehow, there’s no better atmosphere than a Tim Horton’s in February on rainy evenings.
I’m serious.
Maybe it’s quite silly to say that, maybe that’s true, but I find the brewing scent quite relaxing. It’s sort of like being in the shower, and you get all these thoughts in your head dying to come out. Oh. Sorry for that image.
There’s honestly nothing better in my experience, though. Even if all I jot down are another set of notes on another breed of dog, the focus is amazing.

Try it sometime, especially now– It’s a tad bit underwhelming without that feeling of being welcomed into a warm coffee shop after the rain hits you. It’s that feeling.

Plum Raven.

Sailor Moon: New Series to Premier Summer 2013

So, moonies, if you have not heard the news, a series is confirmed to release in 2013, featuring the old voice actors of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, and I can’t believe it. Apparently it will follow closer to the manga, and it is confirmed to be a series, not a short film.

My reaction was to scream loudly and hyperventilate. I AM SO DAMNED HAPPY, MAN, DO YOU KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM? I’M VERY FREAKING HAPPY GOD DAMN IT SJDIJAIODJASDJIOCSAJCIOSAJDEFV. To be more specific about the release, it’s going to broadcast around the world around the same time. I have no idea what it’s going to be about, though. Are they going to do a feature on Sailor V?
Or are they possibly going to follow up on Usagi as Neo Queen Serenity?
I’m sorry, MamoUsa fans, but I’ve always been a SeiUsa girl, and no matter what others tell me, I think their unrequited love is romantic and look at me, I’m fangirling.
So look forward to it. Added to the Summer Resolutions is a need to get some Sailor Moon merchandise as celebration. Maybe a lunch box, or a bag. Or a Luna chopstick holder– Hey, it was Naoko-san’s idea! (If you don’t get it, it’s in one of her manga chapters.)

So I’ll be gone now.

Until next time, Raven’s signing out.

~ Angelic Espeon


There’s this game called QWOP. Time for a short post.

Here, let me show you.

Does this look easy and boring? Well, it’s not. It’s not the easiest flash game out there because apparently this guy doesn’t know how to run. Seriously, I once ran 30 or so meters with him crawling his way through. How ghetto, right?
And to prove it, here’s my ‘adventure’

Have I embarrassed memes with my usage of words yet? Well, soon I will.


Praise my progress and I will praise you as god.
God of stupidity 🙂

If you want to play this game, and try to beat 100m, be my guest.
Link’s below.

Until next time,

~ Angelic Espeon
Mood Song: Moonlight Densetsu

Raven’s Daily Scoop

Yee, that’s right, a post that’s actually near the last one.
So anyways, I have some scoops for ya. First off, Club Nintendo is now giving away their Gold and Platinum prizes, so if you want to check that out, go log in. Yes, can’t be more clear than that.
Second off, they’re providing you gifts to choose from. Check it out:

  1. An Elite Poster set, featuring the games that will premier this year
  2. 2013 Nintendo Calendar
  3. Exclusive Mario Playing Cards
  4. Super Mario Kart
  5. Zelda: Majora’s Mask
  6. Metroid 2: Return of Samus
  7. Mario vs Donkey KongHere’s a screenshot of the items, in case you want a more clear look at them before you decide.

    I chose the Elite Poster Set, because frank– I’m dumb and I like posters 8D
    This was last year’s gifts, by the way.

    Sucks to not be a member at that time, but the past is the past..
    And of course, this makes me regret my decisions even more. The Platinum reward of 2010, mario figurines on very, very cool pods.

    Moving on to more desirable affairs(And by desirable, I mean less painful), I now have a DW account! In case anyone is unaware of what I’m talking about, Pokemon Black and White

    The DW username is: CamelliainBloom, so add me if you wish to. I recently got DW to work this morning, and it’s a pretty fun experience. What basically goes down is Fennel talks to you, you connect through your DS and you can play and collect items. It sounds childish, but it’s actually really cool when you get down to it.
    At the end of my experience, I caught a male Phanpy, so it’s all good, but I really wish I had gotten those DW eeveelutions.
    Unfortunately, I’m not one to be lucky. Or at all.
    The next news scoop I have for you guys is…

    That’s right, Rhythm Thief is OUT in the U.S. SQUEALLLL.
    For those of you who haven’t heard of Rhythm Thief, here’s a preview provided by no other than IGN 🙂

    Looks easy, right? Yeah, don’t be mistaken. If your fingers catch a break, your score is pretty much thrown off by 60%, kind of like one of those other Rhythm games, but worse. And I’ve never been good at Rhythm games.
    To give you an idea, here’s a video of the gameplay. It really helps if you’ve played Rhythm Heaven before, by the way.

    This reminds me of Professor Layton because of this man’s behavior, and yeah, of course it reminds me of Rhythm Heaven.
    Bliss, guys, bliss. And you get this nice violin sound to boot.
    I can’t wait to get this game– Probably is on my list of what to do for the summer, which I’ve compiled for you fellow people here.
    2) Violin lessons
    3) Ballet lessons
    4) Tae Kwandoe Lessons (Possibly already checked.)
    5) Kendo lessons
    6) Actually commit self to studying
    7) Visit some famous landmarks in Boston
    8) Visit the Pokemon Center Kiosk in NorthGate Mall in Seattle
    9) Maybe the one in Alderwood Mall, too. ^
    10) Be productive and post more on Angelicespeon.wordpress.comThis list is bound to change, but it’s okay, I’ll have a summer list up on the site soon.

    Anyway, that’s pretty much it. Until next time, this is Raven signing out.

    R A V E N
    ~ Angelic Espeon
    Mood Song: Distance – Utada Hikaru




This is a new sector of the blog I want to call, “Raven’s Daily Scoop.”—Now I might actually upload daily! 😀
Might, people, might. Anyways, let’s get on with it.
Geheheh. I just realized I had the KH 3D demo. I am absolutely delighted and I have no internet. But at least I can make a blog because I still haven’t in such a god damned while ^_^;; Because I’m typing this later, my excitement is more contained, but..
Okay, I have 30 tries on this thing, and I have to say, it’s really hard to salvage them. And good old Dearly Beloved is on the menu and Aioxdhiodchsaiofhcaiosfjiowef. The Dream Eaters are so so cute—I tried to hit them a couple of times ‘cause I thought they were the “Nightmares” you were supposed to defeat, but the graphics are amazing and so is the music and oh my god, I need this game and I need it now.

Oh. Well, Neku cares very much, I see.
Seriously, you don’t even know how amazing these two look in 3D.
Plus, the new Flo-Motion and Reality Shift features are absolutely fantastic—Convenient, too, but I’m still trying to get a hold of them.
Oh, here’s a look at the Flo-Motion features.
Flo-Motion Videooooo

News that came out recently is the new Pokemon Conquest game, which connects Nobu..Nobunaga—“N”’s ambition and Pokemon.

There you go, looks cool doesn’t it.
To be quite frank, I’m not that sure of how this game works, so I’m going to put in a preview from E3 for you people.
Just click on this here hyperlink. 😀
I want so many things right now. V_V
So, anyways, there was a recent preview released of Black 2 and White 2. Originally, I thought that it would be another game that followed in the “Main Series Games-Main Series Game Update” sequence that Pokemon normally does, but no. It is a sequel.
HOLY CRAP, IT’S ACTUALLY A SEQUEL, NOT A COPY OF PLATINUM. Well, it sort of is, with the regional Pokemon and all, but, as I wished, we get to see N again—As well as the rise of Team Plasma with some crazed scientist as well as this guy.

I’ve always thought Ghetsis was a crazy old man with feelings. Yeeep. (Credit to whoever made this wonderful picture—I CAN NEVER FIND THE ORIGINAL ONE, but I grabbed this from a tumblr blog site.)
It all looks absolutely amazing, but that’s my reaction to any Pokemon game. Look forward to me attempting a playthrough sometime in the summer. Ah, speaking of that.. But, and this is an incredibly biased opinion, but I seriously don’t like the male player’s hair.

(Credit to ds.ign.com) Uuuugh. O_o;
But all in all, it looks awesome.
So for me, it’s currently my Summer vacation—Which is basically lingo for, “I’m going to be bored for the next 2 months spending all my time in a cold dark room watching videos of dogs.” Time to do all the things I promised to do in my resolution, starting with the violin lessons, kendo lessons, as well as ballet lessons, going to an anime con and making sea salt ice cream during the next 3 weeks.
Too bad that’s not going too great. Neither is my plan to be entertained without internet, save for my wonderful 3DS.
I’m still not done with Find Mii, after 133 heroes. But that will all change today—Probably. Like an avid gambler, I spend all my coins on Find Mii—Oh Jesus. Today, I have 16 coins. After a few minutes, the 16 has winded down to a mere 0. Now it is time to play with the final boss!

-Kelly’s Random Battle with Mr. Boss-
Soon as I select venture forth, I am placed to a screen where my mii is helplessly being clutched by some demonic ghost thing. I have collected 10 heroes on my journey to restore right to the land of Miidom. The first is a pink level 1 wandering hero, and it chose to inflict magic upon our heroes, casting daring upon the hearts and souls of each one of them. It then is tired and runs. Some hero, that pink one. The next is a level 2, and it commits a startling 6 damage(for a level 2, anyway.)—ANOTHER TRIPLE. (I am so bored.), and just another triple after that, in which the hero runs back to its mommy while the next one bravely stares up the creepy ghost thing. This next hero casts fire and gets 4 points worth of damage into the ghost’s system before heading back. The next one poisons the enemy, and currently takes a startling 1 point damage. That’s right, people, 1! The next hero offers everyone a boost in morale as they face the terrifying monster. Because who knows when you might pee your pants. The next hero gives 4 attacks(In which the last one misses)before running into oblivion. By this point, the monster’s health has dwindled to nearly half the bar! WHAT PROGRESS. *shot*
The next hero attacks a collective 4 times, each attack collecting into an awesome 12 points, aw yee. FLEE, HERO, FLEE. The next hero(You must be tired.) attacks once! Misses! Attacks twice! 2 damage! AND ATTACKS ONCE MORE. 2 DAMAGE! OH MY GOD A BONUS ATTACK, WHAT A BONUS. THAT’S RIGHT MUCH DAMAGE THAT THE USER CAN NOT BOTHER TO COUNT. The next is a measly level 1, who inflicts about 4 damage, but that’s alright.
We leave the battle in shame after this ghost thing has taken 63 damage. AW YEEEEE.

-End Battle-
Now what?
Right, The Fighter by Gym Class Heroes is now available in Nintendo Video. Check it if you have it. The video starts with a cheesy chase between alien and some odd globs, but not to worry. This is just Nintendo’s creative introduction into the video. NOW ENJOY IT AND SHUT UP. Oh, right, no one’s here.
Oh, but of course, there’s always the non-3D version, which I will not post here by hyperlink.
Hey, I’m typing this through Windows Live Writer, okay?
-Forever Alone-
On another note, after 143 brave heroes have taken over and completed the quest, Nintendo has requested I do everything again because I don’t have all of the hats. Damn…
Well, it’s time for Angelic Espeon to go.
Shut up, alter-ego.
…Man, my schizophrenia is not doing well.
See you folks later. 🙂

~ Angelic Espeon


I had no idea what to do for a blog post, and I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now, but never got the chance to. So anyways, I thought it was time to do a post involving me going somewhere. This was it. But by adventure, I mean regular grocery trip. And by mysterious location, I mean mall, but no one has to know that. Why? Because no one reads this– I swear I could write my diary here and it wouldn’t be a concern.
But I won’t. Probably. 😀
Somewhere in the midst of last October(I’ve said this once, but I’ve never been good at planning things..), I encountered a bunch of things that attracted my attention.



Hmm, how many times do you see a fountain full of soap? Well, I don’t do that often, and I’m not sure it was like this, especially at that time of the year– Though I don’t think it’d make anymore sense if I saw it in Summer or Spring. Now, these are 2 familiar faces that I found very alarming, though they really shouldn’t be. This is Creeper Dora and her Creeper Cousin, Diego. 



Hey, I see a new alone meme for kids!


Now THIS is the face kids should see in a darkly lit room with a flashlight over its surface.

Speaking of new memes, there’s one that’s been going popular, and I can see why. SHE RESEMBLES DORA THERE. 


“Guy’s Night? Sounds fun, when are we going?”

 Now, I’ve already posted a video of Overly Attached Girlfriend– I can’t seem to remember her real name at this moment,  and you can check that out below this post. Anyways, on my “Adventure”, I was looking at outfits for Halloween– In the end, I dressed up as Hyuuga Hinata(Shippuden ver.), but there were some costumes that once again, caught my eye.


Since when are chopsticks a part of a Geisha’s outfit? To an unsuspecting ethnic like me, people might yell out things like, “HEY, CHOPSTICKS AREN’T PART OF A GEISHA’S OUTFIT– THAT’S RACIST.” when it’s common in the media– Though I’m not sure what actual geishas wear– I’ll shut up now.

HEY. JUST BECAUSE WE EAT OUR FOOD WITH CHOPSTICKS– I’ll shut up now, I must be offending so many people. Now I was originally looking for a Daughter of Evil costume– You know, this girl that’s being held by her lovely twin there.

Watch and cry, watch and cry.
So many people hate Rin because of Daughter of Evil, but she’s 14, guys, and she wasn’t raised to be “civilized” with how cruel her kingdom was. I think the people deserved it for declaring her queen when she was a tiny toddler. *shot* ANYWAYS, I saw this costume below.


This comes pretty close, especially at the prize of 30 dollars, but I didn’t get to buy it. And I know, the material seems flimsy, but it looks better in real life– I couldn’t take a picture of the whole dress.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to buy it, but it’s nice to know what costume I could produce next Halloween with 30 bucks and a couple of roses and pins. Oh, in case you were wondering, the Hinata costume came out pretty accurately considering it was made of my materials, but I’m pretty sure people only recognized who I was because I had her hair. 
 One last picture before I head off and write a new post. 🙂


Why do 6 year olds need a boyfriend? This is precisely why the next generation will complain so much about boyfriends. =_=’ And yeah, our generation already does.

Well, see you later when I’m done with my other post! 

R A V E N 
~ Angelic Espeon